

Hugo Cheng Senior Pastor 程德鵬主任牧師 PASTOR HUGO CHENG was born in Queens, New York but grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. He came to faith in Jesus Christ during his senior year in college, while he was attending Carnegie Mellon University obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design. He first sensed the Lord’s call for him to serve in full-time Christian ministry after coming to Christ for two months, during the Chinese Missions Convention (CMC) in 1989.

He worked in the field of computer graphics and helped his professors to start a human-computer interaction design firm. While working, he and his wife served as the leader of the senior-high youth group, the college and young adult fellowship groups. After working for seven years, Pastor Hugo left his job and attended Columbia Biblical Seminary (Now called Columbia International University, or CIU) to obtain a Master of Divinity degree. While at CIU, God used Hugo and his wife to plant a church among the factory workers in a Taiwanese plastic factory in Florence, SC.

In 1999, God called him to become the pastor of the Pittsburgh Chinese Church Oakland (PCCO), reaching and making disciples from among the overseas Chinese university students and scholars, as well as other international students. In 2004, an English-speak congregation called Oakland International Fellowship (OIF) was started by the PCCO church leadership and him, with a vision to build a congregation that is made up of people from all nations and ethnicities in the university area. Today they have students from over 18 nations represented in OIF.

In 2016, God called Pastor Hugo Cheng to become the senior pastor of our church (CBCM).  He believes that CBCM has been given many resources from God and is poised to make an even greater impact for God’s Kingdom locally and globally. With the teamwork from the staff, pastors, elders, and all the members, he hopes to lead CBCM to be an effective center and resource for prayer, discipleship, leadership training, evangelism, church planting, missions, and fellowship life.

程德鵬牧師出生於紐約皇后區,但在台灣台北長大。他在大學四年級時接受耶穌基督為他個人救主. 程德鵬牧師畢業於卡內基 - 梅隆大學美術文學學士專攻平面設計學位。他信主兩個月後就在1989華人差傳大會中回應了主的呼召,全職委身投入基督事工。


1999年,神呼召他成為匹茲堡華人教會歐克蘭堂 (PCCO) 的牧師,他服事的對象是由中國來的留學生和學者, 在他們中間傳福音及培訓門徒。2004年, 由PCCO教會的領袖和程牧師為首, 開始了一個多種族性的英文堂(Oakland International Fellowship aka OIF), 此堂的異象是在大學區成立的國際教會之架構, 如今有十八個國家的學生參與。

2016年, 神呼召程德鵬牧師成為本教會(CBCM)的主任牧師。他認為神賜與馬利蘭中華聖經教會許多的資源,要使馬利蘭中華聖經教會能為神的國度更廣泛而有效的在本地與全球產生影響力,成為眾人的祝福。從祈禱開始, 他會帶領同工,牧師,長老和所有成員建立團隊精神,使CBCM有效的運用神所賜資源, 成立門徒訓練,領袖訓練,傳福音,植堂,實踐大使命和健壯的團契生活。


Vitus Cheng, Associate Pastor 鄭會淦粵語牧師 PASTOR VITUS CHENG has been the Cantonese Pastor since 1995. He was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States with his family in 1978. He was brought up Catholic and was born again in 1979. After graduating from the University of Maryland in Mechanical Engineering, Vitus then received his M. Div. at Capital Bible Seminary (1988).  He began his ministry in Boston in January 1989 which included one year at the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church and five years at the American Chinese Christian Education and Social Services (ACCESS) center in Chinatown.He has led short-term mission teams to serve in New York’s Chinatown, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, and Chile; in recent years his focus has been Venezuela.  His desire is to see the lives of God’s people transformed as we walk together in faith with the Lord, out of an intimate, real, and personal relationship with Him.

鄭會淦牧師自一九九五年起一直擔任本教會的粵語堂牧師。他出生於香港,在一九七八年與家人一同移民美國。他小時候是天主教徒,在一九七九年重生得救。在馬利蘭大學的機械工程系畢業後,鄭牧師又在一九八八年在首都聖經神學院獲得了道學碩士學位。從一九八九年的一月開始鄭牧師在波士頓中國福音教會事奉一年,然後在波士頓唐人街的美國中國基督教教育和社會服務中心(ACCESS)服事了五年。他曾多次帶領短宣隊到紐約唐人街、牙買加、巴拿馬、秘魯和智利等國家和地區短宣; 近年來他將短宣重點放在委內瑞拉。鄭牧師期望看到上帝的子民能夠改變他們的生活並與主同行,同時與主建立一個親密的、真實的個人關係。


Vitus Cheng, Associate Pastor 鄭會淦粵語牧師 MINISTER FELIX CHIU began attending CBCM in 2013 when he was a student at the University of Maryland. In 2015, the Lord called him to full-time ministry, leading Felix to attend WestminsterTheological Seminary, where he obtained a Master of Divinity with a focus on Biblical Counseling. After completing his theological training, Felix began serving at CBCM as a Pastoral Intern where he now hopes to transition into the role of English Minister. His ministry passions and focuses include young adult ministry, small groups, teaching, counseling, and worship ministry. Outside of ministry Felix enjoys running, hiking, and musical theater.

丘沛毅弟兄於2013年開始參加馬利蘭中華聖經教會, 當時他還是馬利蘭大學的學生. 2015年, 主呼召他全職事奉, 並引領他進入威斯敏斯特神學院攻讀神學碩士學位, 專修聖經輔導. 在完成神學培訓後, 丘弟兄回到本教會, 擔任實習傳道至今, 現在他希望成為英語堂傳道. 丘弟兄的事工重點包括青年事工、小組帶領、教導、輔導、和敬拜服事. 事工以外, 丘弟兄熱愛跑步、遠足和音樂劇.


Steve Eatmon Youth Director 少年事工主任 PASTOR STEVE EATMON has been the Youth Director since 2015. Steve Eatmon grew up in the Washington DC area and graduated from Chantilly High School in Northern Virginia.  In his late high school years, he accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.  He then obtained a B.A. from Florida State University where he was very involved in the Baptist Campus Ministry and the Wesley Foundation, which helped strengthen his faith.  In college he felt the Lord calling him to serve in full-time ministry and he graduated from Asbury Seminary with his M. Div..  Since returning to the Washington DC area, he spent six years in the corporate world while working in churches around the area. He began full-time pastoral ministry three years ago at McLean Bible Church as the director of youth ministry at their Maryland Campus. Steve married his wife Heather in 2010 and they have two children: Ryan (2012) and Rachael (2014). In his spare time, Steve enjoys football, basketball, playing music, the outdoors, and spending time with his family.

自2015年Steve Eatmon一直是少年事工主任。Steve在華盛頓地區長大,在維珍尼亞州北部的Chantilly高中畢業。Steve在他讀高中的時候就接受了基督為救主 。然後,他從佛羅里達州立大學獲得了學士學位。他當時經常參與校園浸信會和韋斯利基金會的活動,這些都有助於增強他的信心。在大學時,Steve感到神叫他成為全職事奉宣召,所以後來他從阿斯伯里神學院畢業並獲得了道學碩士學位。在返回華盛頓地區之後,Steve曾在公司裡工作了六年,同時也在周圍地區的教會服事。三年前他在McLean聖經教會馬利蘭分堂擔任全職的青年事工主任。Steve在2010年娶了妻子Heather,他們育有兩個孩子:Ryan(2012)和Rachael(2014年)。在工作之餘,Steve喜歡踢足球,打籃球,玩樂器,和參加各種戶外活動並與他的家人在一起。


PASTOR EDWARD JIANG  was born and raised in Shanghai, China. He immigrated to the US when he was 15. He became a Christian in Pittsburgh while in high school. Later, he studied computer engineering at the Penn State University and worked in the telecommunications industry in the suburbs of Boston. While working, he served in the youth ministry at his church. This was where he felt the call to go into full-time ministry.

Ed graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2007 with an M.Div. in Biblical Counseling. He was ordained as a Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church. Having served in the English-speaking ministry of two Chinese churches for 14 years, he concluded that there is a greater strategic need in the first-generation congregations. He received a call in 2022 to serve as the Mandarin congregation pastor at the Chinese Bible Church of Maryland, Rockville Campus.

Ed is married to his wonderful wife, Pin-Hsi. They have three beautiful children, Apollos, Zoe, and LJ.

蔣牧師出生於中國上海,15歲時隨父母移民到美國。和許多大陸長大的華人一樣,蔣牧師原本是一位無神論者,是到了美國就讀高中時蒙恩得救。大學畢業之後,蔣牧師在波士頓的一家電訊公司工作,同時他也在當地華人教會參與青少年事工的服事。在這服事過程中,蔣牧師聽到神要他全職侍奉的呼召。2003年,蔣牧師在電訊界工作三年後回應神的呼召轉而就讀費城西敏寺神學院,2007年得到道學碩士的學位,回到自己教會(匹茲堡華人教會歐克蘭堂)的國際堂做英文牧師。從2012年起至今,他在愛荷華州的愛城華人教會做英文牧師。 雖然蔣牧師從事工一開始就一直在英文堂侍奉,他的初衷是要做好第一代和第二代華人移民的橋梁。作爲三個孩子的父親,他越發意識到第一代華人基督徒事工的重要性。如果第一代基督徒的信仰不扎實,生命沒有反映信仰,下一代的信仰就很具挑戰性。所以,主若願意,他希望把下半生完全投入到中文事工裏。 蔣牧師的妻子是陳品希,他們的三個孩子是Apollos(7歲),Zoe(5歲),LJ(2歲)。工作之餘,蔣牧師喜歡和師母看電視、做飯、逛Costco。他的其它愛好有音樂、釣魚、跟小朋友們玩。


YOUTH DIRECTOR DOROTHY LAU  is a Chicagoland, Illinois native, born and raised in a second-generation Chinese immigrant Christian home. Though the Lord called her into ministry when she was 16 years old, she attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for public policy and law. Only after completing her undergrad degree did she proceed to train for and obtain a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary.

Her ministry passions include administration, mentoring youth, and musical worship. For the past 5 years, she has served in Chicago at the Chinatown Chinese Christian Union Church as the English youth worship service coordinator, as well as a junior high fellowship counselor and high school praise team aid/consultant. When she is not serving, Dorothy enjoys jam sessions with friends, reading, grocery shopping, and watching Korean dramas.

劉欣寧(Dorothy)出生於芝加哥伊利諾州,在第二代華人移民基督徒家庭中長大.上帝在她16歲時就呼召她事奉,她首先在伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校研讀公共政策,在完成學士學位後,她才開始慕迪神學院的靈命塑造和門徒訓練課程,並取得碩士學位.她熱衷於行政管理、少年輔導和音樂敬拜方面的事奉.過去五年,她在芝加哥唐人街的華人基督教聯合會負責英語少年敬拜,以及擔任高中團契及讚美隊顧問.閒暇之餘,她喜歡與朋友玩即興演奏、 閱讀、購物及看韓劇.


Isabel Lee Minister of Women’s Ministry 李貝文 婦女事工傳道 MINISTER ISABEL LEE has been the Minister of Women’s Ministry since 2009. Since November of 2018, she also took on the role of Minister of Global Outreach Mobilization at CBCM. She graduated from Washington Bible College and Columbia International in Bible and Missions and has been in ministry since 1980. Her goal in ministry is Colossians 1:28 “We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” She serves women in the areas of discipleship, mentoring, encouragement, counseling and prayer through Bible studies, seminars and retreats. She strongly believes when women are strong spiritually and emotionally, they are positive influences to those around them.  She desires to see many come to the saving knowledge of Christ, discipled and faithfully follow Him and serve Him. She prays, encourages and mentors the younger generation and trust that God will thrust them forth to the nations to reach the unreached.

Isabel served over 22 years with SEND International as a missionary in three church plants with various leadership roles. She worked in evangelism, discipleship, seminary teaching and equipping leaders in Taiwan and China within SEND-Taiwan and beyond. After returning to the US, Isabel continues in cross-cultural missions and ministered in Ukraine and Siberia, taught and trained national leaders in Korea, India, Middle East and served Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Macedonia. Isabel has been a regular instructor of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement since 2013 and serves on the U.S. and International Board of Directors, International Executive Committee, and Human Resources and Member Care Committee of SEND International.

2009年以來李貝文一直是婦女事工傳道。自從2018年11月起,她也成為本教會的全球外展動員傳道。她畢業於華盛頓聖經學院和哥倫比亞國際聖經神學院。自1980年以來她一直在教會中服事。她事奉的目標是 「我們傳揚他,是用諸般的智慧,勸戒各人,教導各人,要把各人在基督裡完完全全的引到神面前。」 歌羅西書1:2。她帶領姐妹們通過學習聖經,參加研討會和退修會,在門徒訓練、裝備、鼓勵、輔導和祈禱等各方面去服事姐妹。她堅信,如果姐妹們在屬靈和情感上都很堅強,她們就一定能積極地影響身邊的人。她希望看到許多因信得救,能忠實地跟隨祂和服事祂的門徒。她祈禱、鼓勵和指導年輕一代願意信靠上帝, 被推動到各民各族中傳揚基督。貝文姊妹在過去廿二年中以SEND International傳教士的身份在三個教會中擔任了各種領導職務。當她在台灣和中國做福音事工時,主要專注於門徒訓練,神學院的教學和裝備教會領袖。回到美國後,貝文姊妹繼續跨文化的使命,在烏克蘭和西伯利亞服事,並在韓國,印度,中東訓練教會領袖,還在黎巴嫩,約旦和馬其頓做敘利亞難民的事工。自2013年起貝文姊妹一直在世界基督教觀點運動擔任講員,並且是SEND International美國和國際理事會,國際執行委員會,以及人力資源和會員關懷委員會的成員。 


PASTOR CHRISTOPHER POH was born in Taiwan. He came to U.S. for graduate studies in 1987. He married Beatrice in ’91 and had their first child Joyce in ’93. The same year he received his Computer Science Ph.D. at NJIT and started his teaching career in Taiwan, which he progressed through positions of department head, chairman of graduate school, provost, and dean. Christopher led the family back to U.S. in 2001 and had a software engineer career. He actively involved in education admin and e-commerce relevant research during these years. End of 2004, Christopher answered the second calling from God and started to prepare for full-time service. He quit his job, sold the house in New Jersey, and moved the family to South Carolina to attend Columbia International University in 2007. During this period, Poh family actively involved in local Chinese church work in such capacities as fellowship groups, seeker classes, preaching, Sunday school, and discipleship training. He earned the M. Div. Degree in May 2009.Upon graduation, Christopher started to serve as solo pastor at Atlanta Chinese Christian Church Northwest (ACCCNW) with Beatrice. Amongst daily pastoral work, highlights of focused efforts include musical ministry for Sunday services and special events, promotion of Christian lifestyle and regeneration of Christians, enriching Christian marriage and children education, advocating long-term local and over-the-horizon missionary works, caring for single-parent families, fellowship group member growth and discipleship training, and promoting evangelism under the influence of postmodernism.In November 2016, God called Christopher to join the pastoral team of CBCM and began the work at its Gaithersburg Campus as Mandarin Congregation pastor. Pastor and Mrs. Poh have two children, Joyce, has a career in Atlanta, and Ethan, currently studies Architecture in Boston.

87年來美進修,91年蒙神賜與賢妻碧棻,93年初長女Joyce出生,同年取得電腦博士學位後返台任教;在台期間曾任系主任、研究所所長、教務長、資訊學院院長等職。2001年全家搬回美國定居;04年底再次回應神全時間服事的呼召,開始預備自己,好讓神能更好地使用。07年夏天辭掉軟體工程師工作、賣掉北新澤西州房子,全家搬至南卡,進哥倫比亞國際大學神學院進修。期間,參與當地華人教會之團契、慕道班、講道、主日學及門訓等服事。二年後畢業獲道學碩士(M.Div.)。09年9月到16年5月在亞特蘭大華人基督教會西北堂與妻子碧棻一同配搭服事。期間,著重音樂事奉及主日敬拜、受難日、復活節、聖誕節等敬拜;推動團契活化及再生化;致力改善基督徒婚姻及兒女教養、長期帶動投身本地及遠方宣教;關懷牧養單親家庭;開展團契小組內之成長小組門訓;關注後現代思潮影響下之傳福音事工並運用於服事及日常生活中。16年9月底蒙神引導,搬至馬利蘭州,同年11月加入馬利蘭中華聖經教會教牧團隊,蒙主引領在蓋城堂牧養神所託負之子民。育有二子,以柔(Joyce)在亞特蘭大工作和以誠(Ethan) 在波士頓攻讀建築。 


John Tung Associate Pastor 董溥強英語牧師 PASTOR JOHN TUNG has been English Pastor since 1990. He is a trained Stephen Leader, which is a caring ministry. John was born in Taiwan and grew up in New York City. John is married to Elizabeth and they have three adult children. He received his B.A. in Religious Studies and a Philosophy Minor from Queens College. He graduated with M.A.R., M. Div. and D. Min. from Westminster Theological Seminary. He has contributed to two books: Hiring an English Ministry Pastor and Beyond by Joseph Choi (2012) and Real People, Real Suffering, Real Victory by Joseph Choi (2013). He has led short-term mission teams to Brooklyn, Montana, and Bolivia. While on a short-term mission trip to Bulgaria he taught at the Sofia Theological Institute. He is interested in the relationship between theology, culture and Asian ministry.

董溥強牧師自一九九零年起一直擔任本教會的英文堂牧師。董牧師是一位受過特殊培訓的司提反領導者。他生於台灣,長在美國的紐約市,他與雷綺梅姐妹結婚後育有三個現已成年的子女。一九八零年他從紐約的Queens College獲得了宗教研究和哲學學士學位。之後他就讀於威斯敏斯特神學院,獲得M.A.R.學位,道學碩士學位,和教牧學博士學位。董牧師為以下兩本書的撰稿人,Joseph Choi 的「如何僱用英文牧師」(2012)和 “Real People, Real Suffering, Real Victory” (2013) 。他還帶領短宣隊在紐約的布魯克林,蒙大拿州,還有玻利維亞等地方短宣。當董牧師在保加利亞短宣時,也曾在索菲亞神學研究院短期任教。