VBS (The Great Jungle Journey - An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation) is now open! We welcome 4-year-olds to rising 6th Graders to join us.  Cost: $35 per child for early bird. Volunteers/teachers are needed to join the VBS team. See more details on the registration link and the flyer.

兒童暑期聖經學校 (偉大的叢林之旅—從創世記到啟示錄的壯闊之旅) - 我們歡迎 4 歲至即將升上六年級的孩童參加. 費用:早鳥優惠每位兒童 35元. 我們熱切盼望更多同工/老師加入團隊. 詳情請看報名鏈接與夾頁海報.

  • 蓋城堂: 8/5-8/9 上午9時至下午12:30. 報名於. 同工報名於. 如有任何疑問, 請聯繫fiona.lin@cbcm.org