Ministry Opportunities

Department (English) Department (Chinese) PDF Doc Send email to Department
All Department 所有部門
Caring 關懷部 Send email to Caring
Children 兒童部 Send email to Children
Christian Education 教育部 Send email to Christian Education
Community Service 社服部 Send email to Community Service
Evangelism 傳道部 Send email to Evangelism
Fellowship 團契部 Send email to Fellowship
Hospitality 接待部 Send email to Hospitality
Literature 文字部 Send email to Literature
Media 影音部 Send email to Media
Ministry 事工部 Send email to Ministry
Missions 宣道部 Send email to Missions
Physical Facilities 產管部 Send email to Physical Facilities
Secretary 秘書部 Send email to Secretary
Transportation 交通部 Send email to Transportation
Worship 敬拜部 Send email to Worship
Youth 少年部 Send email to Youth

Please review the attached document(s) for each department.  

If you find a service that interests you, please email the department by clicking on the link for each department.