CBCM Couples Marriage Mentoring Ministry












Click here to learn more about the program and how to submit an inquiry



Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide support to mentoree couples (couples to be mentored) through their inevitable bumpy marital journey, to learn together Godly marital habits, to build a lifelong committed, God-honoring, healthy marriage, and to impact the world for Jesus Christ one marriage at a time.

Strong, healthy marriages that build upon the words of God make strong, healthy families. Healthy families build strong churches, and strong churches build strong communities.

If interested, please submit the CBCM Marriage Mentoring Ministry Enquiry Form (below) to Mr. Tony Chew.


Mentors Biographies:

Tony and Mae Chew

Tim and Charisse Tang

Terry and Amy Lee



Mentors Blog:





  1. CBCM Marriage Mentoring Ministry Enquiry Form
  2. CBCM Marriage Mentoree Application
  3. Marriage Mentoring Relationship Agreement



Articles and Videos:

I. Articles

1. Three Tips For Investing In Your Husband

2. Three Tips For Investing In Your Wife

3. Focus on Marriage Assessment: This assessment reviews how you are doing in your marriage in 12 essential areas: Commitment, Nourish, Shared Responsibility, Time, Community, Intimacy, Conflict, Healthy Individuals, Communication, Cherish, Coping and Spiritual. Go to "focusonthefamily.com" and search for marriage assessment, scroll down to "Focus on Marriage Assessment" and take the assessment. FOTF will email the assessment results with suggestions to you after you've completed the assessment.



II. Videos

1. Cherish Your Spouse Videos:







2. How To Have Healthy Conflict Videos:
4. The Art of Marriage Videos:



5.  The 5 Love Languages / Dr. Gary Chapman


The 5 Love Languages® has been improving relationships for more than 25 years. It's ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this book as practical as it is personable. Get inspired by real life stories and a common sense approach that will teach you to love better and grow closer.


6.  Finding Hope for Your Desperate Marriage - Gary Chapman

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vRoAE8G8iI (Part 1)

https://youtu.be/cqoKkY-gnOk (Part 2)


7.   Footprints of a Pilgrim - Remembering Ruth Bell Graham (Full Program) - YouTube



8.  Helping Your Marriage Survive the Coronavirus - Focus on the Family

Guy & Amber Lia, co-authors of the book Marriage Triggers, uyprovide practical tips for couples to reduce tension during this challenging COVID-19 season.


Book Recommendation:

1. The Best Year of Your Marriage: 52 Devotions to Bring You Closer.

Wherever you are on the marriage continuum, may be you’re newly married and the future looks as bright as the morning sun; Maybe you are in the “doldrums", a period of stagnation where things are neither good nor bad; Or maybe you’re doing pretty well and want to maintain that status, there’s something in this book for you. Because marriage was God’s idea, He doesn't  wants our marriages to just survive but thrive!



2. The Married Guy's Guide To Greater Sex. Clifford L. Penner, Ph.D. & Joyce J. Penner, M.N., R.N.

3. Enjoy! The Gift Of Sexual Pleasure For Women. Joyce J. Penner, M.N.,R.N. & Clifford L.Penner, Ph.D.

It is amazing how few husbands and wives actually talk to each other about their sexual feelings, frustrations, and fears. These two books can help couples to grow in their sexual relationship, to increase their understanding, deepen their intimacy, and enhance the pleasure and satisfaction that God intends for husbands and wives to enjoy. Both books can be purchased from Focus On The Family.


Future Events: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all future events/activities are put on hold or conducted on Zoom.

(I)  Marriage Builder Zoom Discussion

The CBCM Marriage Mentoring Team will be hosting monthly informal marriage discussion sessions on every 2nd Thursday of the month in 2021, starting at 8 PM. We will discuss topics and common issues related to marriage, Please come and join us!  Contact Tony Chew (marriageministry@cbcmgroups.org) for more information and the zoom link."


1/14/2021      The Spiritual Foundation of Marriage 

2/11/2021       Keep Romance Alive

3/11/2021       Cultivating Harmony in Marriage

4/08/2021       Handling Conflicts in Marriage 

5/13/2021       Communication in Marriage 

6/17/2021        Communication in Marriage II

7/16/2021         Persevering in Marriage

8/12/2021         Prayer and Marriage

9/09/2021         Why we need the Maker in our Marriage

10/16/2021        In-person brunch fellowship

11/11/2021         Gratitude in Marriage

12/09.2021        Getting Out of a Rut and having God's Peace

01/13/2022         Building up your Spouse's Self-esteem

02/10/2022          Love in 4 Seasons: Spring

03/10/2022          Grow to be Teachable

04/14/2022          The Power of Words in a Marriage

06/22/2022           Build up your Spouse's Self-esteem

08/11/2022            4 Seasons of Love: Summar

11/10/2022             How to do Marriage Right


(II)  03/31/2023 - 04/01/2023       Marriage Seminar: 

The CBCM Marriage Mentoring Ministry invites you to a marriage seminar on God's Design for Marriage. Sinngles, dating and married folks alike are all welcome. This seminar will be held at CBCM on Friday, March 31 at 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM and Saturday, April 01, 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Marriage Mentoring Ministry leaders at CBCM has invited the founders of the Marriage Mentoring United organization, Dean and Laurie Hubbs to come teach us about this subject.  Dean and Laurie Hubbs have been believers in Christ for over five decades.  Laurie is a retired Licensed Professional Counselor and board-certified coach who has spent the last 30 years helping couples create amazing marriages. Dean is a retired Marine Corps Officer and information technology professional. Dean and Laurie have been married for almost 40 years and enjoy speaking, teaching and mentoring couples into healthy, Godly, vibrant marriages. See church bullentine for announcement.



(III) 04/28/2023 - 04/30/2023                    Weekend to Remember Conference (Family Life)

The CBCM Marriage Mentoring Ministry is inviting you to join us to attend a weekend marriage retreat, "Weekend to Remember" sponsored by the Family Life, at the Hyatt Regency Reston, VA on April 28-30. Registering under our group name "CBCMMarriageMentoring" will receive $100 off the full price per couple toward registration. CBCM subsidies are available. Contact mentors leaderTony Chew for more information.   marriageministry@cbcmgroups.org


Contact Tony Chew for further information.

